Las columnas de oro que sostienen
el mundo Pijao, y la misteriosa línea recta que las une.
The golden columns that support the Pijao world, and the mysterious straight line that unites them.
The golden columns that support the Pijao world, and the mysterious straight line that unites them.
CELULAR Y WASSAP: 3103044227
En el departamento del Tolima, Colombia, sucede un extraño fenómeno, y es que la geografía, está relacionada con la cosmogonía ancestral de los pueblos indígenas que habitaron, y aun habitan estas misteriosas tierras. Los sitios más sagrados para el pueblo indígena pijao, se encuentran alineados con tanta exactitud que resulta del todo curiosa.
El Tolima siempre ha tenido esa pátina
antigua, esa característica de vieja colonia con un origen mítico, de una
guerra épica de resistencia y valentía que forjó nuestra raza hace muchos
siglos, de sangre heroica derramada sobre tierras ardientes, en las que el Calor
intenso y el Sol señorean como los máximos Dioses.
In the department of Tolima, Colombia, a strange phenomenon occurs, and that is that geography is related to the ancestral cosmogony of the indigenous peoples who inhabited and still inhabit these mysterious lands. The most sacred sites for the Pijao indigenous people are aligned so precisely that it is quite curious.
Tolima has always had that ancient patina, that characteristic of an old colony with a mythical origin, of an epic war of resistance and bravery that forged our race many centuries ago, of heroic blood spilled on burning lands, in which the intense Heat and the Sun rule as the highest Gods.
In the department of Tolima, Colombia, a strange phenomenon occurs, and that is that geography is related to the ancestral cosmogony of the indigenous peoples who inhabited and still inhabit these mysterious lands. The most sacred sites for the Pijao indigenous people are aligned so precisely that it is quite curious.
Tolima has always had that ancient patina, that characteristic of an old colony with a mythical origin, of an epic war of resistance and bravery that forged our race many centuries ago, of heroic blood spilled on burning lands, in which the intense Heat and the Sun rule as the highest Gods.
En los años 90s, los esposos y
científicos, Elizabeth Silva de Velandia y César Augusto Velandia Jagua, casi
por casualidad, documentaron y dieron a conocer a la ciencia antropológica,
la Supervivencia de una Cosmogonía Prehispánica en el Sur del Tolima, la
cual se conservaba de forma oral, en las creencias mas simples de los indígenas
de Coyaima, Natagaima y Ortega, y yo, como tolimense me atrevería a decir, que
en las creencias profundas de todos los tolimenses que no descienden de
personas, de otras partes de Colombia. Recuerdo que durante toda mi vida, he
escuchado a mi abuela hablar de las plantas frías y calientes, del “Yelo” que
cargan los muertos, y que las mujeres embarazadas no deben ni pasar por frente
a un entierro o velación, pues esto les puede causar aborto. A mis 6 años
mientras contaba las estrellas, recuerdo como sentí verdadero terror, cuando
algún anónimo niño me dijo, que no contara las estrellas, porque si daba con la
mía me caería encima y me mataría. Un día mientras viajaba hacia Anzoátegui, un
señor muy blanco, pero a su vez muy tolimense y de arraigo campesino, dio una
predica religiosa evangélica la cual, sin embargo, describía un universo de 7
capas, de las cuales las inferiores eran de agua, y en las superiores estaba
Jesucristo, la virgen María y los apóstoles. Describo lo anterior para remarcar
lo presente que está, aun hoy en día la cosmogonía prehispánica en este
Departamento colombiano.
De las muchos y notables temas
tratados por la pareja Silva-Velandia, son las columnas de oro las que hoy nos
In the 90s, the husbands and scientists, Elizabeth Silva de Velandia and César Augusto Velandia Jagua, almost by chance, documented and made known to anthropological science, the Survival of a Pre-Hispanic Cosmogony in South Tolima, which was preserved orally, in the simplest beliefs of the indigenous people of Coyaima, Natagaima and Ortega, and I, as a Tolimense I would dare to say, that in the deep beliefs of all tolimenses who do not descend from people, from other parts of Colombia. I remember that throughout my life, I have listened to my grandmother talking about hot and cold plants, about the “Yelo” that the dead carry, and that pregnant women should not even go through a funeral or vigil, as this can cause abortion. At 6 years old while I was counting the stars, I remember how I felt real terror, when some anonymous child told me not to count the stars, because if I found mine, I would fall on myself and kill myself. One day while traveling to Anzoátegui, a very white man, but at the same time very Tolimense and of peasant roots, gave an evangelical religious preaching which, however, described a universe of 7 layers, of which the lower ones were of water, and in the superiors there was Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and the apostles. I describe the above to highlight how present it is, even today the pre-Hispanic cosmogony in this Colombian Department.
Of the many notable themes discussed by the Silva-Velandia couple, it is the gold columns that concern us today.
In the 90s, the husbands and scientists, Elizabeth Silva de Velandia and César Augusto Velandia Jagua, almost by chance, documented and made known to anthropological science, the Survival of a Pre-Hispanic Cosmogony in South Tolima, which was preserved orally, in the simplest beliefs of the indigenous people of Coyaima, Natagaima and Ortega, and I, as a Tolimense I would dare to say, that in the deep beliefs of all tolimenses who do not descend from people, from other parts of Colombia. I remember that throughout my life, I have listened to my grandmother talking about hot and cold plants, about the “Yelo” that the dead carry, and that pregnant women should not even go through a funeral or vigil, as this can cause abortion. At 6 years old while I was counting the stars, I remember how I felt real terror, when some anonymous child told me not to count the stars, because if I found mine, I would fall on myself and kill myself. One day while traveling to Anzoátegui, a very white man, but at the same time very Tolimense and of peasant roots, gave an evangelical religious preaching which, however, described a universe of 7 layers, of which the lower ones were of water, and in the superiors there was Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and the apostles. I describe the above to highlight how present it is, even today the pre-Hispanic cosmogony in this Colombian Department.
Of the many notable themes discussed by the Silva-Velandia couple, it is the gold columns that concern us today.
Este axis mundi se puede situar en
tres lugares, a la manera de grandes pilares o columnas, –que según algunos son
de oro–, las cuales se encuentran, una, debajo del templo católico de Coyaima;
la otra, remata en el Cerro de Pacandé y la tercera, bajo los Cerros de los
Abechucos. Los tres sitios en referencia tienen profundas connotaciones en el
imaginario indígena ya que son considerados como sagrados. De esta manera, la
tierra plana está sostenida por las dichas columnas. Silva y Velandia.
"...Dichas columnas se unen en la
profundidad de la gran laguna y, según los indígenas, se romperán algún día y
su tierra se hundirá en el agua, ya que consideran muy delgada a la capa seca y
creen que las capas acuáticas tratan continuamente de recuperar lo que
anteriormente les pertenecía. Así, por ejemplo, explican el lento hundimiento
que presenta la iglesia de Coyaima como causado por un gran remolino que se
forma debajo de ella y que la tragará totalmente. El hecho de que la iglesia
más vieja de la región se vea amenazada, explica otro principio: Los misioneros
llegados durante la conquista tuvieron evidentemente una gran influencia entre
los Coyaimas y los Natagaimas y ocuparon en su mitología el papel de
ordenadores del mundo, función que, en otros pueblos amerindios, tienen los
héroes culturales..." (Faust, 1986:7) SCPST
This axis mundi can be placed in three places, in the manner of large pillars or columns, –which according to some are made of gold–, which are found, one, below the Catholic temple of Coyaima; the other ends at the Cerro de Pacandé and the third under the Cerro de los Abechucos. The three sites in reference have deep connotations in the indigenous imagination as they are considered sacred. In this way, the flat earth is supported by the said columns. Silva and Velandia.
"... These columns join at the depth of the great lagoon and, according to the indigenous people, will one day break and their land will sink in the water, since they consider the dry layer to be very thin and believe that the aquatic layers treat continually recovering what previously belonged to them. Thus, for example, they explain the slow collapse that the church of Coyaima presents as caused by a great whirlpool that forms below it and that will swallow it up completely. The fact that the oldest church The region is threatened, explains another principle: The missionaries who arrived during the conquest evidently had a great influence between the Coyaimas and the Natagaimas and occupied in their mythology the role of computers of the world, a function that, in other Amerindian towns, the cultural heroes ... "(Faust, 1986: 7) SCPST
This axis mundi can be placed in three places, in the manner of large pillars or columns, –which according to some are made of gold–, which are found, one, below the Catholic temple of Coyaima; the other ends at the Cerro de Pacandé and the third under the Cerro de los Abechucos. The three sites in reference have deep connotations in the indigenous imagination as they are considered sacred. In this way, the flat earth is supported by the said columns. Silva and Velandia.
"... These columns join at the depth of the great lagoon and, according to the indigenous people, will one day break and their land will sink in the water, since they consider the dry layer to be very thin and believe that the aquatic layers treat continually recovering what previously belonged to them. Thus, for example, they explain the slow collapse that the church of Coyaima presents as caused by a great whirlpool that forms below it and that will swallow it up completely. The fact that the oldest church The region is threatened, explains another principle: The missionaries who arrived during the conquest evidently had a great influence between the Coyaimas and the Natagaimas and occupied in their mythology the role of computers of the world, a function that, in other Amerindian towns, the cultural heroes ... "(Faust, 1986: 7) SCPST
Esta creencia en una estructura
infra-terrena de columnas que sostiene el mundo que vemos, también la he
encontrado entre los mohanes, o médicos tradicionales del sur del Tolima. El
mohán pijao, Fernando Lozano, director de la Escuela de Mohanes del CRIT, nos dice:
“el Oro, para el pueblo indígena Pijao, representa
lo sagrado en su esencia material, es la sangre del sol, la vida del sol que se
puede tocar. Y las columnas son líneas
de energía del cosmos, algo así como los sitios donde mas se concentra el poder
o saber”
This belief in an infra-terrestrial structure of columns that supports the world we see, I have also found among the mohanes, or traditional doctors of southern Tolima. The pijao mohán, Fernando Lozano, director of the CRIT Mohanes School, tells us:
“Gold, for the Pijao indigenous people, represents the sacred in its material essence, it is the blood of the sun, the life of the sun that can be touched. And the columns are energy lines of the cosmos, something like the places where power or knowledge are most concentrated "
This belief in an infra-terrestrial structure of columns that supports the world we see, I have also found among the mohanes, or traditional doctors of southern Tolima. The pijao mohán, Fernando Lozano, director of the CRIT Mohanes School, tells us:
“Gold, for the Pijao indigenous people, represents the sacred in its material essence, it is the blood of the sun, the life of the sun that can be touched. And the columns are energy lines of the cosmos, something like the places where power or knowledge are most concentrated "
La extraña alineación Tolima –
En una interminable noche de
insomnio, y casi sin darme cuenta, abrí Google Maps y usé la herramienta
“relieve”, para mirar la formación geológica del nevado del Tolima, y así
encontrar la zona más alta de este, luego use la herramienta medir, y tonteando
medí la distancia entre la cima del nevado, y distintas partes emblemáticas de
nuestro paisaje tolimense, pero la sorpresa mayor me la lleve cuando medí la
distancia entre la cima del nevado del Tolima y
la cima del cerro del Pacandé en Natagaima. Y comencé a recorrer
virtualmente los 127,48 kms que separan estos dos colosos de nuestra geografía.
The strange alignment Tolima - Pacandé
On an endless sleepless night, and almost without realizing it, I opened Google Maps and used the "relief" tool, to look at the geological formation of the Tolima mountain, and thus find the highest area of it, then use the measure tool, And fooling around I measured the distance between the top of the snowy, and different emblematic parts of our Tolimense landscape, but the biggest surprise took me when I measured the distance between the top of the snowy Tolima and the top of the Pacandé hill in Natagaima. And I began to virtually cover the 127.48 kms that separate these two colossi from our geography.
The strange alignment Tolima - Pacandé
On an endless sleepless night, and almost without realizing it, I opened Google Maps and used the "relief" tool, to look at the geological formation of the Tolima mountain, and thus find the highest area of it, then use the measure tool, And fooling around I measured the distance between the top of the snowy, and different emblematic parts of our Tolimense landscape, but the biggest surprise took me when I measured the distance between the top of the snowy Tolima and the top of the Pacandé hill in Natagaima. And I began to virtually cover the 127.48 kms that separate these two colossi from our geography.
Y lo que descubrí fue que los
sitios que han sido tenidos ancestralmente como columnas de oro por parte del
pueblo pijao, coinciden exactamente en una línea recta, como si nuestros
mohanes y antepasados pijao supieran algo más de lo que se supondría deberían
Limites Extremos del eje
Tolima – Pacandé
And what I discovered was that the sites that have been ancestrally held as columns of gold by the Pijao people, coincide exactly in a straight line, as if our mohanes and Pijao ancestors knew something more than they were supposed to know.
Extreme Limits of the Tolima - Pacandé axis
And what I discovered was that the sites that have been ancestrally held as columns of gold by the Pijao people, coincide exactly in a straight line, as if our mohanes and Pijao ancestors knew something more than they were supposed to know.
Extreme Limits of the Tolima - Pacandé axis
Cima del nevado del Tolima. Top of the snowy Tolima.
Nuestro gran volcán Dulima, es
por derecho propio el sitio mas sagrado para toda la raza tolimense, es casi un
padre demiúrgico, que hasta le da su nombre a nuestra tierra.
Primera Columna Cerro del
Our great Dulima volcano, is in its own right the most sacred site for the entire Tolimense race, it is almost a demiurgic father, who even gives our land its name.
First Column of Cerro del Pacandé.
Our great Dulima volcano, is in its own right the most sacred site for the entire Tolimense race, it is almost a demiurgic father, who even gives our land its name.
First Column of Cerro del Pacandé.
Este cerro está ubicado en el
municipio de Natagaima, señalado como una de las columnas de oro. Está cargado
de leyendas, una de las cuales cuenta como la Molana o Yacomola, una serpiente
de agua gigantesca, se apodero de la cima del Pacandé y estaba enfriando e
inundando la tierra, los mohanes la conjuraron, y esta quedo convertida en una
serpiente de piedra, que se puede ver actualmente en la vereda la Molana de
This hill is located in the municipality of Natagaima, designated as one of the golden columns. It is loaded with legends, one of which tells how the Molana or Yacomola, a gigantic water snake, seized the top of the Pacandé and was cooling and flooding the earth, the mohans conjured it, and it was turned into a serpent of stone, which can be seen at the moment in the path of Molana de Natagaima.
Segunda Columna; La Iglesia de Coyaima.
Second column; The Church of Coyaima
Paso de la línea por el casco
urbano del municipio de Coyaima.
La línea pasa a 167 metros de la
iglesia principal del municipio de Coyaima. Esta iglesia está señalada
específicamente como una de las tres columnas de oro, y resulta curioso que al
ser la única de las columnas que no es una gran montaña, es decir es la única
columna que puede cambiar de lugar.
Otro hecho que podemos evidenciar
es que las columnas de cargue de la iglesia de Coyaima, que según la leyenda
fueron puestas para evitar el hundimiento de la iglesia, se sitúen en dirección
al eje Tolima -Pacandé.
Tercera Columna Cerros
Avechukos, los guerreros gigantes de piedra.
Passing the line through the urban area of the municipality of Coyaima.
The line passes 167 meters from the main church of the municipality of Coyaima. This church is specifically designated as one of the three gold columns, and it is curious that being the only one of the columns that is not a great mountain, that is, it is the only column that can change places.
Another fact that we can see is that the load columns of the Coyaima church, which according to legend were placed to avoid the collapse of the church, are located in the direction of the Tolima-Pacandé axis.
Third Column Cerros Avechukos, the giant stone warriors.
Passing the line through the urban area of the municipality of Coyaima.
The line passes 167 meters from the main church of the municipality of Coyaima. This church is specifically designated as one of the three gold columns, and it is curious that being the only one of the columns that is not a great mountain, that is, it is the only column that can change places.
Another fact that we can see is that the load columns of the Coyaima church, which according to legend were placed to avoid the collapse of the church, are located in the direction of the Tolima-Pacandé axis.
Third Column Cerros Avechukos, the giant stone warriors.
Esta es la vista aérea de los
cerros Avechukos, en el Municipio de Ortega Tolima, este sitio es señalado
claramente en la cosmogonía pijao, como una de las Columnas de Oro, Nótese como
la línea pasa por el medio de esta formación geológica .
Estas misteriosas y gigantescas peñas,
están situados cerca del casco urbano de ortega Tolima, y son visibles desde la
vía Castilla -Coyaima, a uno de estos cerros se le llama el “indio acostado”
pues esa es la forma que semeja al ser visto desde Ortega o Coyaima.
This is the aerial view of the Avechukos hills, in the Municipality of Ortega Tolima, this site is clearly marked in the Pijao cosmogony, as one of the Golden Columns, Note how the line passes through the middle of this geological formation.
These mysterious and gigantic rocks, are located near the urban area of Ortega Tolima, and are visible from the Castilla-Coyaima road, one of these hills is called the "Indian lying down" because that is the way it resembles being seen from Ortega or Coyaima.
This is the aerial view of the Avechukos hills, in the Municipality of Ortega Tolima, this site is clearly marked in the Pijao cosmogony, as one of the Golden Columns, Note how the line passes through the middle of this geological formation.
These mysterious and gigantic rocks, are located near the urban area of Ortega Tolima, and are visible from the Castilla-Coyaima road, one of these hills is called the "Indian lying down" because that is the way it resembles being seen from Ortega or Coyaima.
Otros sitios por los cuales
pasa la línea Tolima – Pacandé.
Other sites through which the Tolima - Pacandé line passes.
Other sites through which the Tolima - Pacandé line passes.
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